2024 西文圖書借閱排行榜

1Thinking, fast and slow / Daniel Kahneman.11
2Probability and statistical inference / Robert V. Hogg, Elliot A. Tanis, Dale L. Zimmerman.11
3Vector calculus / Jerrold E. Marsden, Anthony Tromba.9
4Contemporary financial management / R. Charles Moyer, James R. McGuigan, Ramesh P. Rao.9
5Lost & found : reflections on grief, gratitude and happiness / Kathryn Schulz.8
6Risk management and insurance / Scott E. Harrington, Gregory R. Niehaus.7
7An introduction to post-colonial theory / Peter Childs andR.J. Patrick Williams6
8Testimony : crises of witnessing in literature, psychoanalysis, and history / Shoshana Felman and Dori Laub.6
9Representing the Holocaust : history, theory, trauma / Dominick LaCapra.6
10Trauma and the memory of politics / Jenny Edkins.6
11Linear algebra / Stephen H. Friedberg, Arnold J. Insel, Lawrence E. Spence.6
12Little Red Riding Hood : based on a traditional folk tale / retold by Mandy Ross illustrated by Anja Rieger.5
13Introduction to the design and analysis of algorithms : a strategic approach / R.C.T. Lee ... [et al.].5
14An introduction to probability and statistical inference / George Roussas.5
15PMI-ACP exam prep : A course in a book for passing the PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP) exam / by Mike Griffiths.5
16The light we carry : overcoming in uncertain times / Michelle Obama.5
17Composite materials : engineering and science / F.L. Matthews and R.D. Rawlings4
18Transportation engineering and planning / C.S. Papacostas, P.D. Prevedouros4
19Management, social work, and change / edited by Elizabeth Harlow, John Lawler.4
20The little red hen : based on a traditional folk tale / retold by Ronne Randall illustrated by Liz Pichon.4
21The gingerbread man : based on a traditional folk tale / retold by Alan Macdonald illustrated by Anja Rieger.4
22What is professional social work? / Malcolm Payne.4
23Introduction to probability / Dimitri P. Bertsekas and John N. Tsitsiklis.4
24Generalized linear models for insurance data / Piet de Jong, Gillian Z. Heller.4
25Fundamentals of momentum, heat, and mass transfer / James R. Welty ... [et al.].4
26Analytics for insurance : the real business of big data / Tony Boobier.4
27The giver / by Lois Lowry.4
28Learner centered innovation : spark curiosity, ignite passion and unleash genius / Katie Martin.4
29Atomic habits : tiny changes, remarkable results : an easy & proven way to build good habits & break bad ones / James Clear.4
30The real business of blockchain : how leaders can create value in a new digital age / David Furlonger, Christophe Uzureau.4
31Financial accounting with IFRS / Jerry J. Weygandt, Paul D. Kimmel, Donald E. Kieso with contribution from Nai-Hui Su.4
32The power of regret : how looking backward moves us forward / Daniel H. Pink.4
33As long as the lemon trees grow / Zoulfa Katouh.4
34International economics : theory & policy / Paul R. Krugman, Maurice Obstfeld, Marc J. Melitz.4
35Principles of mathematical analysis / Walter Rudin.4
36Critical thinking, its expression in argument / Robert L.Shurter, John R. Pierce3
37Forecasting, structural time series models and the Kalman filter / Andrew C. Harvey3
38English literature : a student guide / Martin Stephen3
39Researching response to literature and the teaching of literature : points of departure / Charles R. Cooper, editor3
40Literature and language teaching : a guide for teachers and trainers / Gillian Lazar3
41Introduction to elastic wave propagation / A. Bedford, D.S. Drumheller3
42Writing for their lives : the modernist women, 1900-1940 / Gillian Hanscombe and Virginia L. Smyers3
43Microsystem design / Stephen D. Senturia.3
44Critical thinking / Brooke Noel Moore, Richard Parker chapter 13 by Nina Rosenstand and Anita Silvers.3
45How to begin studying English literature / Nicholas Marsh.3
46Herzog & de Meuron : natural history / ed. by Philip Ursprung.3
47The sly fox and the little red hen : based on a traditional folk tale / retold by Mandy Ross illustrated by Marc Chalvin.3
48The three little pigs : based on a traditional folk tale / retold by Nicola Baxter illustrated by Jan Lewis.3
49The voice of reason : fundamentals of critical thinking / Burton F. Porter.3
50The pocket guide to Critical thinking / Richard L. Epstein.3
51Atkins' physical chemistry / Peter Atkins, Julio de Paula.3
52An introduction to Semiconductor devices = 半導體元件概論 / Donald A. Neamen, 陳進祥導讀.3
53Physics and chemistry of interfaces / Hans-Jürgen Butt, Karlheinz Graf, Michael Kappl.3
54Bionanotechnology : lessons from nature / David S. Goodsell.3
55Electronic devices / Thomas L. Floyd.3
56Molecular models for fluids / Klaus Lucas.3
57Social work and power / Roger Smith.3
58Applied electromagnetics : early transmission lines approach / Stuart M. Wentworth.3
59Fundamentals of electric propulsion : ion and Hall thrusters / Dan M. Goebel, Ira Katz.3
60Essentials of topology with applications / Steven G. Krantz.3
61A mathematical nature walk / John A. Adam.3
62Science at the nanoscale : an introductory textbook / Chin Wee Shong, Sow Chorng Haur, Andrew TS Wee.3
63Water : the forgotten biological molecule / edited by Denis Le Bihan, Hidenao Fukuyama.3
64Sanaa : Kazuyo Sejima, Ryue Nishizawa, 2004-2008 : topologia arquitectonica = architectural topology / [editores y directores, Fernando Marquez Cecilia y Richard Levene].3
65Physics and partial differential equations = 物理学与偏微分方程 / Tatsien Li, Tiehu Qin translated by Yachun Li.3
66When critical thinking met English literature : a resource book for teachers and their students / Belinda Hakes.3
67Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone / by J.K. Rowling illustrations by Mary GrandPré.3
68Splitting methods for partial differential equations with rough solutions : analysis and MATLAB programs / Helge Holden ... [et al.].3
69Computational approaches to protein dynamics : from quantum to coarse-grained methods / editor, Monika Fuxreiter.3
70Heat transfer and fluid flow in biological processes / edited by Sid M. Becker, Andrev V. Kuznetsov.3
71Kernel-based approximation methods using MATLAB / Gregory Fasshauer, Michael McCourt.3
72One cool friend / story by Toni Buzzeo pictures by David Small.3
73Daylighting handbook. Vol. I, Fundamentals, designing with the sun / Christoph Reinhart [editor, Ria Stein].3
74A guide to doing statistics in second language research using SPSS and R / Jenifer Larson-Hall.3
75Singularities : formation, structure, and propagation / J. Eggers, M. A. Fontelos.3
76Handbook of big data / edited by Peter Buhlmann ... [et al.].3
77Learning LaTex / David F. Griffiths, Desmond J. Higham.3
78Fundamentals of condensed matter physics / Marvin L. Cohen, Steven G. Louie.3
79MATLAB guide / Desmond J. Higham, Nicholas J. Higham.3
80Flipped learning : a guide for higher education faculty / Robert Talbert foreword by Jon Bergmann.3
81Dynamical system models in the life sciences and their underlying scientific issues / Frederic Y. M. Wan.3
82Direct numerical simulations of gas-liquid multiphase flows / Gretar Tryggvason, Ruben Scardovelli, Stephane Zaleski.3
83Nonequilibrium gas dynamics and molecular simulation / Iain D. Boyd, Thomas E. Schwartzentruber.3
84Construction and design manual : drawing for landscape architects / Sabrina Wilk.3
85Numerical methods for conservation laws : from analysis to algorithms / Jan S. Hesthaven.3
86Wonder / R.J. Palacio.3
87Data analysis techniques for physical scientists / Claude A. Pruneau.3
88Introduction to the thermodynamics of materials / David R. Gaskell, David E. Laughlin.3
89Quantum physics : a fundamental approach to modern physics / John S. Townsend.3
90Numerical analysis of partial differential equations using Maple and MATLAB / Martin J. Gander, Felix Kwok.3
91Ion channels of excitable membranes / Bertil Hille.3
92Introduction to physics in modern medicine / Suzanne Amador Kane, Boris A. Gelman.3
93Classical mechanics and electrodynamics / Jon Magne Leinaas.3
94Mathematical modelling of the human cardiovascular system : data, numerical approximation, clinical applications / Alfio Quarteroni ... [et al.].3
95Multiphysics modeling with application to biomedical engineering / Z. Yang.3
96The 8051 microcontroller and embedded systems / Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Janice Gillispie Mazidi, Rolin D. McKinlay.3
97Peer interaction and second language learning : pedagogical potential and research agenda / edited by Masatoshi Sato, Susan Ballinger.3
98Modern quantum mechanics / J.J. Sakurai, Jim Napolitano.3
99Visual delight in architecture : daylight, vision, and view / Lisa Heschong illustrations by Garth von Ahnen.3
100Technology-assisted language assessment in diverse contexts : lessons from the transition to online testing during COVID-19 / edited by Karim Sadeghi.3