排名書名次數 1The five people you meet in Heaven = 在天堂遇見的五個人 114 2Twilight = 暮光之城 : 無懼的愛97 3Guess who : 誰敢來晚餐 79 4The punisher 神鬼制裁 78 5The chronicles of Narnia : the lion, the witch and the wardrobe = 納尼亞傳奇 : 獅子. 女巫. 魔衣櫥 77 6The hot chick = 小姐好辣 76 7Good luck Chuck = 倒數第2個男朋友 76 8Johnny English = 凸搥特派員 74 9Legally blonde = 金法尤物 72 10Inception = 全面啟動72 11Mamma mia! : 媽媽咪呀!71 12The wave = 惡魔教室71 13Enemy of the state = 全民公敵 70 14She's the man = 足球尤物70 15Friends. season 8 = 六人行第八季 68 16Les choristes = 放牛班的春天 67 17The perfect catch = 愛情全壘打67 18Friends. season 4 = 六人行第四季 67 19The truman show = 楚門的世界 65 20The stepford wives = 超完美嬌妻 63 21I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry = 當我們 假 在一起 63 22Peaceful warrior = 深夜加油站遇見蘇格拉底 63 23The Mummy returns : 神鬼傳奇2 62 24Road to perdition = 非法正義 61 25Phone booth = 絕命鈴聲 60 26Shallow Hal = 情人眼裏出西施 60 27Angels & demons = 天使與魔鬼60 28You got served : Take it to the streets = 熱力四射 59 2940 days and 40 nights = 停機40天 58 30The first wives club : 大老婆俱樂部 58 31Taxi = 終極殺陣 56 32The bucket list = 一路玩到掛 56 33The International = 黑暗金控55 34Bride of Chucky = 鬼娃新娘 54 35Friends. season 7 = 六人行第七季 53 36The exorcism of Emily Rose = 驅魔 52 37Harry Potter and the prisoner of azkaban = 哈利波特阿兹卡班的逃犯 51 38What women want = 男人百分百 51 39Runaway jury = 失控的陪審團 51 40Paris Je T'aime = 巴黎我愛你 51 41Pirates of the Caribbean = 神鬼奇航 : 鬼盜船魔咒 50 42Crash : 衝擊效應 50 43I am Sam = 他不笨他昰我爸爸 49 44Love actually = 愛是您愛是我 49 45Man on fire = 火線救援 49 46Friends. season 6 = 六人行第六季 49 47Friends. season 9 = 六人行第九季 49 48Die Fälscher = 偽鈔風暴49 49Bad company = 神鬼拍檔 48 50Lost In Translation = 愛情,不用翻譯 48 51Three men and a baby = 三個奶爸一個娃 47 52Spider-Man = 蜘蛛人 47 53The pianist = 戰地琴人 47 54The holiday = 戀愛沒有假期47 55Friends. season 5 = 六人行第五季 47 56Coco avant Chanel = 時尚女王香奈兒47 57Ripley's game = 魔鬼雷普利 46 58If only = 如果能再愛一次 46 59Coco Chanel = 香奈兒46 60Tuesdays with Morrie = 最後14堂星期二的課44 61Maid in Manhattan = 女佣變鳳凰 43 62Intolerable cruelty = 眞情假愛 43 63People i know 致命人脈 43 64The notebook : 手札情緣 43 65The fugitive = 絕命追殺令 43 66Boiler room = 搶錢大作戰43 67Percy Jackson & the lightning thief = 波西傑克森神火之賊43 68Signs = 靈異象限 42 69The lion king 3 : hakuna matata = 獅子王 3 42 70Wall Street = 華爾街 : 金錢萬歲42 71Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone = 哈利波特神秘的魔法石 41 72Shutter island = 隔離島41 73Charlie's angels,full throttle = 霹靂嬌娃, 全速進攻 40 74Sky captain world tomorrow = 明日世界 40 75Freedom Writers = 街頭日記 40 76The blind side = 攻其不備40 77Bridget Jones's diary = BJ單身日記 39 78I-spy = 金牌間諜 39 79Cast away = 浩劫重生 39 80Michael Jackson's This is it = 麥可傑可森This is it未來的未來演唱會電影39 81Unknown = 狙擊陌生人39 82The tourist = 色遇 39 83The piano teacher = 鋼琴教師 38 84Final destination 2 = 絕命終結站2 38 85Frank McKlusky, C.I. = 凸槌保險員 38 8617 again = 回到17歲38 87Invictus = 打不倒的勇者38 88The pursuit of happyness = 當幸福來敲門 38 89Breakfast at Tiffany's = 第凡內早餐38 90The lord of the rings : the return of the king = 魔戒三部曲 : 王者再臨 37 91Troy = 特洛伊木馬屠城 37 92Closer : 偷情 37 93Tom Hanks is Forrest Gump = 阿甘正傳 37 94The departed = 神鬼無間 37 95Coco Chanel & Igor Stravinsky 37 96Sherlock Holmes = 福爾摩斯37 97Grown ups = 亞當等大人37 98Get smart = 特務行不行37 99Oscar et la dame Rose = 最後12天的生命之旅37 100Anger Management = 抓狂管訓班 36