2016 西文圖書借閱排行榜

1Oliver Twist / Charles Dickens retold by Margaret Tarner.23
2Emma / Jane Austen, retold by Annette Barnes.23
3Jobs [videorecording] = 賈伯斯 / If Entertainment presents a Five Star Feature Films production in association with Venture Forth and Silver Reel written by Matt Whiteley produced & directed by Joshua Michael Stern.23
4Dracula / Bram Stoker retold by Margaret Tarner.21
5Sense and sensibility / Jane Austen retold by Elizabeth Walker.19
6Frankenstein / Mary Shelley retold by Margaret Tarner.16
7The great Gatsby / F. Scott Fitzgerald retold by Margaret Tarner.16
8The queen of death / John Milne.15
9Behavioral game theory : experiments in strategic interaction / Colin F. Camerer.12
10Emma / Jane Austen, retold by Margaret Tarner.12
11French in three months / Ronald Overy and Jacqueline Lecanuet.11
12Cambridge IELTS. 9: authentic examination papers from Cambridge ESOL.10
13Understanding fiber optics / Jeff Hecht.10
14Freakonomics [videorecording] = 蘋果橘子經濟學 / Chad Troutwine presents in association with Cold Fusion Media a Green Film Company production produced by Chad Troutwine, Chris Romano, Dan O'Meara.10
15How languages are learned / Patsy M. Lightbown and Nina Spada.9
16Barron's essential words for the TOEFL : test of English as a foreign language / Steven J. Matthiesen.9
17Cambridge English IELTS 10 : with answers : authentic examination papers from the Cambridge English Language Assessment.9
18The official guide to the TOEFL test.9
19Top tips for IELTS : academic / produced by Cambridge ESOL in collaboration with the British Council.9
20Fundamentals of analytical chemistry / Douglas A. Skoog, Donald M. West, F. James Holler, Stanley R. Crouch.9
21Fundamental methods of mathematical economics / Alpha C. Chiang, Kevin Wainwright.8
22The secret garden / Frances Hodgson Burnett retold by Rachel Bladon.8
23The official guide to the TOEFL® test / ETS.8
24Cambridge IELTS. 7 : examination papers from University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations : English for speakers of other languages.8
25Cambridge IELTS. 8 : examination papers from University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations.8
26¡ Hola ¡. A1 / Beate Luo y Mery Hsieh Justiniano.8
27Discrete mathematics and its applications / Kenneth H. Rosen global edition adapted by Kamala Krithivasan.8
28Statistics for business and economics / David R. Anderson, Dennis J. Sweeney, Thomas A. Williams.8
29Applied electromagnetics : early transmission lines approach / Stuart M. Wentworth.8
30Civil and environmental systems engineering / Charles S. ReVelle, E. Earl Whitlatch, Jr., Jeff R. Wright.8
31Industrial water reuse and wastewater minimization / James G. Mann, Y.A. Liu8
32Coherence [videorecording] = 彗星來的那一夜 / Bellanova and Ugly Duckling Films present story by James Ward Byrkit, Alex Manugian screenplay by James Ward Byrkit directed by James Ward Byrkit.8
33Gulliver's travels / Joan Macintosh.7
34Daisy Miller / Henry James retold by Rachel Bladon.7
35A lion called Christian / Anthony Bourke & John Rendall [adapted by Jane Revell]7
36Cambridge vocabulary for IELTS advanced with answers : self study vocabulary practice / Pauline Cullen.7
37Cambridge grammar for IELTS with answers : self-study grammar reference and practice / Diana Hopkins with Pauline Cullen.7
38Foundations of materials science and engineering / William F. Smith, Javad Hashemi adapted by Wang Shing-Hoa ... [et al.].7
39Principles of electronic materials and devices / S.O. Kasap.7
40The notebook : a novel / Nicholas Sparks7
41Diary of a wimpy kid : the ugly truth / by Jeff Kinney.7
42Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone / J. K. Rowling.7
43Shaping neighbourhoods : for local health and global sustainability / Hugh Barton, Marcus Grant and Richard Guise.6
44Public finance / Harvey S. Rosen, Ted Gayer.6
45A.S.M. study manual for Exam FM/Exam 2 : financial mathematics & financial economics / by Harold Cherry and Rick Gorvett.6
46Selected short stories / by D. H. Lawrence retold by Anne Collins.6
47English grammar in use : a self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students of English : with answers / Raymond Murphy.6
48Intelligent business. coursebook. Upper intermediate business English / Tonya Trappe Graham Tullis.6
49A first course in probability / Sheldon Ross.6
50Statistics for business and economics / David R. Anderson ... [et al.].6
51Transport phenomena / R. Byron Bird, Warren E. Stewart, Edwin N. Lightfoot.6
52Elements of x-ray diffraction / B.D. Cullity, S.R. Stock.6
53Fundamentals of momentum, heat, and mass transfer / James R. Welty ... [et al.]6
54Elements of engineering electromagnetics / Nannapaneni Narayana Rao.6
55Advances in unmanned aerial vehicles : state of the art and the road to autonomy / edited by Kimon P. Valavanis.6
56Jeremy Kooloo / Tim Mahurin6
57Night rabbits / Monica Wellington6
58The Hunger Games / by Suzanne Collins.6
59Twilight / Stephenie Meyer.6
60Computer organization and design : the hardware/software interface / David A. Patterson, John L. Hennessy.5
61Absolute Java / Walter Savitch.5
62Learning with LabVIEW / Robert H. Bishop.5
63SchweserNotes for the CFA exam. [1], Level 1.5
64Microeconomic theory / Andreu Mas-Colell, Michael D. Whinston, and Jerry R. Green5
65Teaching language in context / Alice Omaggio Hadley.5
66Three shakespeare tragedies / William Shakespeare.5
67I, Robot/ Isaac Asimov retold by Tricia Reilly.5
68King Arthur and the knights of the round table / Stephen Colbourn.5
69Anna Karenina / Leo Tolstoy retold by Margaret Tarner.5
70Challenge the TOEIC test / Marc Anthony, Lance Gura, Jenny Wilsen.5
71Cambridge vocabulary for IELTS with answers : self study vocabulary practice / Pauline Cullen.5
72Barron's TOEIC : Test of English for International Communication / Lin Lougheed.5
73IELTS to success : preparation tips and practice tests / Eric Van Bemmel, Janina Tucker.5
74Cambridge IELTS. 6 : examination papers from the University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations : English for speakers of other languages.5
75Patterns in excitable media : genesis, dynamics, and control / Sitabhra Sinha, S. Sridhar.5
76A mathematical nature walk / John A. Adam.5
77Fundamentals of abstract algebra / D.S. Malik, John N. Mordeson, M.K. Sen5
78Introduction to mathematical statistics / Robert V. Hogg,Allen T. Craig5
79Machine learning with R cookbook / Yu-Wei, Chiu (David Chiu).5
80Physics and partial differential equations / Tatsien Li, Tiehu Qin translated by Yachun Li.5
81Elements of gasdynamics / by H.W. Liepmann [and] A. Roshko5
82Handbook of biophotonics / edited by Jurgen Popp ... [et al.].5
83Water : the forgotten biological molecule / edited by Denis Le Bihan, Hidenao Fukuyama.5
84Reliability in engineering design / K. C. Kapur, L. R. Lamberson5
85Fundamentals of momentum, heat, and mass transfer / James R. Welty ... [et al.].5
86Boundary integral and singularity methods for linearizedviscous flow / C. Pozrikidis5
87Science at the nanoscale : an introductory textbook / Chin Wee Shong, Sow Chorng Haur, Andrew TS Wee.5
88Introduction to modern digital holography : with MATLAB / Ting-Chung Poon, Jung-Ping Liu.5
89Microelectronic circuits / Adel S. Sedra, Kenneth C. Smith.5
90The MBR book : principles and applications of membrane bioreactors for water and wastewater treatment / edited by Simon Judd, Claire Judd.5
91Cost accounting / William K. Carter, Milton F. Usry5
92Fundamentals of corporate finance / Jonathan Berk, Peter DeMarzo, Jarrad Harford.5
93Cost accounting : a managerial emphasis / Charles T. Horngren, Srikant M. Datar, Madhav V. Rajan.5
94Principles of modern manufacturing / Mikell P. Groover.5
95Fundamentals of fiber science / Xiangwu Zhang.5
96Kinetic architecture : designs for active envelopes / Russell Fortmeyer, Charles D. Linn.5
97Material world 2 : innovative materials for architecture and design / written by MateriO.5
98Lighting design : a perception-based approach / Christopher Cuttle.5
99Polar bear, polar bear, what do you hear? / by Bill Martin Jr pictures by Eric Carle.5
100The fault in our stars / John Green.5
101Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets /c J. K. Rowling.5
102Design and analysis of experiments / Douglas C. Montgomery.4
103Optimal control theory : an introduction / Donald E. Kirk.4
104Fundamentals of data structures in C / Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni, Susan Anderson-Freed.4
105Operating system concepts / Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin, Greg Gagne.4
106Learning from data : a short course / Yaser S. Abu-Mostafa, Malik Magdon-Ismail, Hsuan-Tien Lin.4
107Machine learning : an algorithmic perspective / Stephen Marsland.4
108An introduction to post-colonial theory / Peter Childs andR.J. Patrick Williams4
109Colonial discourse and post-colonial theory : a reader / ed. and introduced by Patrick Williams and Laura Chrisman4
110Principles of economics / N. Gregory Mankiw.4
111Essentials of economics / N. Gregory Mankiw.4
112Introductory econometrics : a modern approach / Jeffrey M. Wooldridge.4
113Rich dad, poor dad : what the rich teach their kids about money-that the poor and middle class do not! / by Robert T. Kiyosaki.4
114Financial institutions management : a risk management approach / Anthony Saunders, Marcia Millon Cornett.4
115The new argonauts : regional advantage in a global economy / AnnaLee Saxenian.4
116Microeconomics / David A. Besanko, Ronald R. Braeutigam with contributions from Michael J. Gibbs.4
117Microeconomic theory : basic principles and extensions / Christopher Snyder, Walter Nicholson.4
118The great escape : health, wealth, and the origins of inequality / Angus Deaton.4
119Integrated solid waste management : engineering principles and management issues / George Tchobanoglous, Hilary Theisen, Samuel Vigil.4
120Step up to IELTS / by Vanessa Jakeman and Clare McDowell.4
121Vanity fair / William Makepeace Thackeray retold by Elizabeth Walker.4
122Moby Dick / Herman Melville retold by John Escott.4
123Official TOEFL iBT tests with audio. [Volume 1] / ETS.4
124Ten steps to improving college reading skills / John Langan.4
125Active : skills for reading / Neil J. Anderson.4
126Advanced engineering mathematics / Erwin Kreyszig in collaboration with Herbert Kreyszig, Edward J. Norminton.4
127Elementary number theory / James K. Strayer.4
128Essentials of topology with applications / Steven G. Krantz.4
129Splitting methods for partial differential equations with rough solutions : analysis and MATLAB programs / Helge Holden ... [et al.].4
130Fundamentals of probability with stochastic processes / Saeed Ghahramani.4
131Concepts of modern physics / Arthur Beiser.4
132Heat transfer and fluid flow in biological processes / edited by Sid M. Becker, Andrev V. Kuznetsov.4
133Computational approaches to protein dynamics : from quantum to coarse-grained methods / editor, Monika Fuxreiter.4
134Introduction to optimum design / Jasbir S. Arora4
135Materials science and engineering / William D. Callister, Jr., David G. Rethwisch.4
136Fibre reinforcements for composite materials / edited by A.R. Bunsell4
137Laser beam propagation : generation and propagation of customized light / edited by Andrew Forbes.4
138Essentials of communication systems engineering / John G. Proakis, Masoud Salehi.4
139Brushless motors : magnetic design, performance, and control of brushless DC and permanent magnet synchronous motors / Duane Hanselman.4
140Small unmanned aircraft : theory and practice / Randal W. Beard, Timothy W. McLain.4
141Optimal control / Frank L. Lewis4
142Give and take : a revolutionary approach to success / Adam Grant.4
143Manufacturing engineering and technology / Serope Kalpakjian, Steven R. Schmid.4
144Systems in timber engineering : loadbearing structures and component layers / Josef Kolb edited by Lignum, Holzwirtschaft Schweiz [and] DGfH, German Society of Wood Research [translation into English, Gerd H. Soffker and Philip Thrift].4
145Transport matters : integrated approaches to planning city-regions / Angela Hull.4
146-arium : weather + architecture / [edited by Jurgen Mayer H., Neeraj Bhatia].4
147Design energy simulation for architects : guide to 3D graphics / Kjell Anderson.4
148Cecil Balmond = セシル.バルモンド4
149Architectural details : classic pages from Architectural graphic standards, 1940-1980 / ed. by Donald Watson, editor.4
150Elements / Rem Koolhaas editor in chief, James Westcott editors, Ben Davis ... [et al.] contributors, Tom Avermaete ... [et al.] associate editors, Rebecca Bego ... [et al.].4
151The function of ornament / edited [and with an introduction] by Farshid Moussavi and Michael Kubo.4
152Testimony : crises of witnessing in literature, psychoanalysis, and history / Shoshana Felman and Dori Laub.4
153Writing up research : experimental research report writing for students of English / Robert Weissberg and Suzanne Buker.4
154Readings in science and technology / Beate Luo.4
155Charlie Cook's favorite book / Julia Donaldson illustrated by Axel Scheffler.4
156Eight modern plays : authoritative texts ... backgrounds, and criticism / edited by Anthony Caputi.4
157'Night, mother : a play / by Marsha Norman.4
158A game of thrones / George R. R. Martin.4
159Bridge to Terabithia / Katherine Paterson illustrated by Donna Diamond.4
160Picture bride : a novel / by Yoshiko Uchida.4
161Catching fire / Suzanne Collins.4
162If I stay / Gayle Forman.4
163Something blue / Emily Giffin.4
164Divergent / Veronica Roth.4
165Reflections on exile and other essays / Edward W. Said.4
166Howl's moving castle / Diana Wynne Jones.4
167Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban / by J.K. Rowling.4
168Love, Rosie / Cecelia Ahern.4
169Trauma and the memory of politics / Jenny Edkins.4
170Representing the Holocaust : history, theory, trauma / Dominick LaCapra.4
171Out of place : a memoir / Edward W. Said.4