排名書名借閱次數 1The five people you meet in Heaven = 在天堂遇見的五個人97 2Twiligh76 3She's the man = 足球尤物67 4Mamma mia! : 媽媽咪呀!60 5Inception59 6Legally blonde = 金法尤物56 7Frank McKlusky, C.I. = 凸槌保險員53 8Good luck Chuck = 倒數第2個男朋友52 9The lord of the rings : the two towers = 魔戒二部曲 :雙城奇謀51 10The bucket list = 一路玩到掛50 11Die Fälscher : a true story =The counterfeiters = 偽鈔風暴50 12Wall Street : money never sleeps = 華爾街 : 金錢萬歲49 13Angels & demons= 天使與魔鬼48 14The Joneses = 搶錢家族 48 15The notebook : 手札情緣47 16Taxi. 2= 終極殺陣2 : 雷霆霹靂46 17The wave = 惡魔教室46 18Friends. season 4 = 六人行第四季46 19The chronicles of Narnia. = 納尼亞傳奇 : 獅子. 女巫. 魔衣櫥44 20Les choristes = 放牛班的春天44 21Man on fire = 火線救援44 22Peaceful warrior = 深夜加油站遇見蘇格拉底44 23Too big to fail = 大到不能倒 : 金融海嘯真相44 24Music and lyrics = K歌情人43 25The hangove= 醉後大丈夫42 26Horrible bosses = 老闆不是人42 27I, robot = 機械公敵42 28The rite = 現代驅魔師42 29The Lorax = 羅雷司41 30Dolphin tale = 溫特的故事 : 泳不放棄41 31Runaway jury = 失控的陪審團41 32Friends. season 5 = 六人行第五季 41 33Enemy of the state = 全民公敵 40 34He's just not that into you = 他其實沒那麼喜歡妳40 35I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry = 當我們 假 在一起40 36Monsters, Inc. = 怪獸電力公司40 37Road to perdition = 非法正義40 38Source code = 啓動原始碼40 39Guess who : 誰敢來晚餐39 40Phone booth = 絕命鈴聲39 41Taken. [1]= 即刻救援39 42Friends. season 8 = 六人行第八季39 43Coco Chanel= 香奈兒38 44Crazy, stupid, love= 熟男型不型38 45The exorcism of Emily Rose = 驅魔 38 46The help = 姊妹38 47Maid in Manhattan = 女佣變鳳凰 38 48Paris Je T'aime = 巴黎我愛你 38 49Ripley's game = 魔鬼雷普利38 50The stepford wives = 超完美嬌妻38 51The truman show = 楚門的世界38 52Friends. season 7 = 六人行第七季38 53The Incredibles = 超人特攻隊37 54The blind side= 攻其不備37 55Final destination 2 = 絕命終結站237 56Final destination. 4 = 絕命終結站 4 37 57Get smart= 特務行不行37 58Johnny English = 凸搥特派員37 59Lost In Translation = 愛情,不用翻譯37 60Percy Jackson & the lightning thief = 波西傑克森神火之賊37 61Tuesdays with Morrie = 最後14堂星期二的課37 62Closer : 偷情36 63The ghost writer = 獵殺幽靈寫手36 64Salt = 特務間諜36 65Seven pounds = 七生有幸36 66We bought a zoo = 我們買了動物園 36 67The Adjustment Bureau = 命運規劃局35 68Beastly= 野獸情人35 69(500) days of Summer= 戀夏500日35 70Eat pray love = 享受吧!一個人的旅行35 71Final destination. 5 = 絕命終結站 535 72Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone = 哈利波特神秘的魔法石35 73Limitless = 藥命效應35 74Rocknrolla = 搖滾黑幫35 7517 again = 回到17歲 35 76Silent Hill = 沉默之丘35 77The time traveler's wife = 時空旅人之妻35 78Town= 竊盜城35 79Ice age. 3 : dawn of the dinosaurs = 冰原歷險記 3 : 恐龍現身34 80Up= 天外奇蹟34 81Coco avant Chanel = Coco before Chanel.34 82Coco = 靠爸行不行34 83The family man : 扭轉奇蹟 34 84G. I. Joe : the rise of Cobra = 特種部隊 : 眼鏡蛇的崛起34 85Midnight in Paris: 午夜巴黎34 86Mission:Impossible : Ghost Protocol= 不可能的任務 : 鬼影行動34 87The Mummy returns : 神鬼傳奇234 88My sister's keeper= 姊姊的守護者34 89Greenberg= 愛上草食男33 90Hugo = 雨果的冒險33 91Moneyball = 魔球33 92The pursuit of happyness= 當幸福來敲門 33 93The silence of the lambs = 沉默的羔羊 33 94Toy story 3 = 玩具總動員333 95Wrath of the Titans = 怒戰天神33 96Friends. season 6 = 六人行第六季33 97Blood diamond = 血鑽石32 98Happy feet. 2= 快樂腳 232 99The hurt locker= 危機倒數32 100The king's speech= 王者之聲 : 宣戰時刻32