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Q4-2: 如何下載 daily data of settlement price of the France corn future-dead?

You can use STDT to get the settlement date.

You can construct futures lists for 'live' and 'dead' futures by class by inserting the list mnemonic in the form of :

List Mnemonic - LFUTXXXL

L List

FUT Futures

XXX Future mnemonic code, e.g. LSX, CUS, GDX

L/D Live or Dead

For a list of all live trading futures for the CME-3 Month Euro$ contract, the list mnemonic would be : LFUTIEDL

For a list of all dead futures for the Liffe-FTSE100 Index contract, the list mnemonic would be : LFUTLSXD

Then you may run it on a time series request and specify the date.

Do download the data:

Kindly used the list mnemonic LFUTCC.D

  where :       L         List                                      
                    FUT    Futures                                   
                    CC.     Future mnemonic code for CORN US

                    D        Dead
Last updated : November 11, 2022 - 7:16am