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Q3-4: Datastream 是否有 mutual fund 資料?如何下載?

Mutual Funds are part of Datastream's Unit Trust database. To find specific funds, you may want to access the link below:

**Select "Data Category" as "Unit Trusts", then enter your search criteria.

You may retrieve the following for Unit Trusts:

NAVM     Net Asset Value - Market           
NAVP     Net Asset Value - Par              
OP       Official List Price                
P        Price - Adjusted                   
PA       Price - Asked                      
PB       Price - Bid                        
PE       Price - Adjusted Earnings Ratio    
PH       Price - High                       
PI       Price - Datastream Index           
PL       Price - Low                        
PO       Price - Opening               
Last updated : November 11, 2022 - 7:16am