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Q3: Compustat的報表會出現一些data codes,是什麼含意?

列出常見的data code如下




Annual Fifure(only annual data is available for quarterly item). Applies only to the Compustat (North America) database.


Combined Figure( the figure is combined in another item)


Insignificant Figure (the number is immaterial)


Not Available (company does not disclose information about the item)


Not Calculable (rules for calculation were not met)


Not Meaningful (item is not meaningful for a company)


Semi-annual Figure (only semi-annual data is available for quarterly items). Applies only to the Compustat (North America) database.


Not Available Currency (currency exchange rate is not available to translate data); applies only to the Compustat (Global) database.

Last updated : November 11, 2022 - 7:16am