Course Reserves
Course Reserves is a library service in which materials are placed on hold or "reserve" for students enrolled in specific classes. Check reserved materials on FCU Library WebOpac. Some reserves are print materials shelved behind the library's Circulation Desk, while others are provided in electronic format, including multimedia.
Electronic reserves, or "e-reserves," can be accessed from computers in the library, from computer labs on campus, from the residence halls, or from home.
Library Instruction
The Library offers scheduled workshops and walk-in sessions to help you gain familiarity with diverse resources and research tools as well as develop and apply library research strategies. Courses can be tailored to specific needs or research assignments, with advance notice of at least one week.
All workshops are free and open to students, faculty and staff. Tours of the library may be included upon request.
Please download Request Forms for scheduled programs:
Current training workshops (Please register online in advance)
Thesis Submission
All Theses and Dissertations should be submitted to the FCU Thesis Submission System after completing debate and revision. Theses searches can be performed via this system as well.