Appendix 2: Service categories and fee standards

Identity typeService categoryAnnual fee amount
ItemBorrowed quantity / Loan period / Renewal / Reservation

Eligible for discounted membership:

  1. Alumni
  2. Immediate family members of current or retired faculty and staff of the university
Reading services:
In-house self-study, reading
NoneNT $1,000
Library book borrowing service
  1. Borrow up to 5 books.
  2. Loan period of 14 days.
  3. One-time renewal option.
  4. Reservation not allowed.
NT $2,000
Card issuance fee
  1. Individuals who already possess a campus-issued contactless card with identity features can reconfigure it into a membership card without the need for a new card issuance.
  2. A one-time processing fee is required for the issuance of a new membership card, and the same applies in the case of loss or damage when applying for a replacement.
NT $200
Individuals outside the school who are aged 18 and aboveReading services:
In-house self-study, reading
Self-study and reading in the libraryNT $3,000
Library book borrowing service
  1. Borrow up to 5 books.
  2. Loan period of 14 days.
  3. One-time renewal option.
  4. Reservation not allowed.
NT $5,000
Card issuance feeA one-time processing fee is required for the issuance of a new membership card, and the same applies in the case of loss or damage when applying for a replacement.NT $200


  1. Applicants for library book borrowing services are allowed free entry for self-study and reading.
  2. During midterm and final exam periods, the main library suspends access for members.
  3. Book borrowing is limited to the general collection of the library and does not include multimedia, audio-visual materials, electronic resources, or internet services.
  4. Reservation services are not available.
  5. Membership fees should be paid in full at once.
  6. Any changes in annual fees will be announced officially.