Feng Chia University Library Resource Acquisition Processing and Implementation Guidelines Amendment Draft

Adopted at the 952nd Administrative Meeting on June 29, 2011
Approved by the President and promulgated on July 25, 2011
Amended and adopted at the 993rd Administrative Meeting on June 19, 2013
Approved by the President and promulgated on July 22, 2013
Adopted at the 1182nd Administrative Meeting on March 1, 2023
Approved by the President and promulgated on March 22, 2023

  1. Article 1 In accordance with Article 3 of Feng Chia University Library's Directives for Resource Collection and Development, and to effectively collect, develop, and manage various types of library resources, the library opens up the opportunity for members of the university to assist in recommending acquisitions and hereby formulates these implementation guidelines.
  2. Article 2 Taking into consideration collection development strategies, circulation usage, procurement budget, and other factors, the library establishes the types, quantities, amounts, and procedures for recommended acquisitions, as outlined in Appendix 1.
  3. Article 3 Faculty and staff, as well as students of the university, may propose recommendations for acquisition in accordance with these implementation guidelines. Priority processing will be given to those meeting the following conditions:
    1. Recommending books or audio-visual materials using Feng Chia University Library's online acquisition system and providing complete information.
    2. Recommending journals or electronic databases using the library's journal and electronic database acquisition form (Appendix 2), endorsed by the department head.
    3. Content closely related to academic research, curriculum teaching, or professional learning.
  4. Article 4 Recommendations for various types of resources will not be accepted under the following circumstances:
    1. Content involving pornography, violence, or violating public decency.
    2. Prices exceeding market trends or significantly disproportionate to their value.
  5. Article 5 Recommendations for various types of resources should follow the principle of avoiding duplication in the library collection.
  6. Article 6 In the case of special circumstances, the library will convene relevant subject librarians, representatives of departmental consulting teachers, and consult with experts and scholars in the relevant field, as needed, to serve as references for execution.
  7. Article 7 The library retains the final recommendation authority for all acquisition cases.
  8. Article 8 Upon completion of the procurement of books and audio-visual materials, the first recommender shall have the first priority borrowing rights.
  9. Article 9 The guidelines were adopted by the Feng Chia University Library Committee and approved by the President before being promulgated and implemented. The same applies to amendments.

These Guidelines were translated from the original Chinese version. In the event of any discrepancies between the two versions, the Chinese version always takes precedence.